Reverse Ageing With Supplements
In this world, where beauty is important, look young, feel well and have a skin that is beautiful and glowing. Care of health and beauty is the everyday life for every human being. In fact, the basis for caring and maintaining a youth line depends on the adoption of everyday health habits. And to achieve a perfect look as well as to preserve our health, various tips and preparations can help us. If you are a person that is looking for a natural supplement that has the magic to help the skin to look more beautiful, and young that you will love every time you are facing on the mirror. One of them is NutriCheer anti-ageing powder drink with amazing flavour.
The Nature of Ageing
Ageing is an inevitable part of life, however premature ageing is becoming more and more common, leading to early signs of ageing and poor health. You can exert some control over the ageing process by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Eating a nutrient-rich diet and staying active throughout life helps to slow down the ageing process and may even prevent the development of age-related chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Probably no other area in alternative health is more subject to over-promising and under-delivering than anti-ageing. We’re talking about every magic bullet under the sun from face creams to human growth hormone supplements. And what with the baby boomer generation now approaching the age where immortality no longer looks like a birthright, the market is exploding exponentially.The simple fact is that ageing is not the result of any one single factor, but is the cumulative result of a number of factors, including:
- Cell senescence, or the ageing of cells
- Diminished telomerase activity
- Protein degradation
- Advanced Glycation End Products
- Excess sugar activity
- Progressive systemic inflammation
- Progressive dehydration
- Accumulated toxic build-up in organ tissue
- Reduced circulation
- Reduced cellular energy production
- Changes in hormone levels and hormone balance
- Impeded energy flows in the body
- Excessive body weight
- And, of course, good old wear and tear
The above list is hardly complete. We could add stress or the accumulation of free radicals in the body or the results of cumulative poor nutrition, etc. The key here is not to identify every single factor (an impossible task), but to understand that if you want to slow the ageing process, you have to look at more than a magic bullet approach involving one or two supplements.
An excellent way to improve everyday routine depends largely on a number of natural products we use in supplementing our diet, because only in this way we give your body all the nutrients that it needs to strengthen and maintain youth. Among other things today, the sun is one of the leading reason in skin damage, even when we are indoors, we are not completely protected from harmful sunshine.For this reason, it is very important that we always use sun protection. And it just helps protect us from harmful UV radiation and skin damage.
An important trend in skin care is the use of diet and oral supplements to improve the skin’s appearance and structure. Healthy skin largely reflects the general health status and as such the skin is influenced by the consumption of dietary substances ,including vitamins and anti-oxidants ,fatty acids and hydrolyzed proteins. Therefore, the effects of nutritional factors on the skin have received increasing attention and a number of clinical studies indicated that dietary supplementation can modulate skin functions. To slow down ageing ,collagen can be provided to our body through supplements which will maintain elasticity and regeneration of skin,hair,tendon,cartilage,bones and joints.
Supplement with collagen can slow down the ageing process.It is the most abundant and fibrous protein in the body and is a key constituent of all connective tissues.It decreases with age and provides the infrastructure of the musculoskeletal system,essential for mobility and it is a natural substance in our body which decrease with age.Peptides are short chain amino acids naturally derived from collagen protein. These natural peptides are highly bio-available ,digestible and soluble in cold water.
7 ways that collagen can boost your health
- Improves skin and hair
- Repairs joints
- Helps leaky gut
- Boosts metabolism
- Strengthens teeth and nails
- Helps Detox
- Reduces cellulite or stretch marks.
The Things We Can Do to Ourselves
These, of course, are the easiest things to modify.
The Immune System
One of the major causes of death in the elderly is the collapse of the immune system as we age. This makes us susceptible to everything from pneumonia to cancer. Some of this is inevitable, of course, but it is amazing how much of it can be prevented and even reversed.
Chronic inflammation is a major ageing factor and a primary contributor to premature death. It is implicated in everything from lung problems to chronic heart disease, and even cancer. There are a number of things we can do that help reduce inflammation far better and more safely than taking an aspirin every day. Probably the two most important are:
-Regular intake of proteolytic enzymes
-Maintain balance of omega 3 -6-9 in the body .
Every day we are exposed to over 100,000 “new” chemicals that have been released into the environment over the last 100 years. Many of them are chemical estrogens potent in amounts as small as a billionth of a gram. Cleansing those toxins out of our bodies with colon and liver detoxes and neutralizing estrogen imbalances in the body are essential for maximizing health and life span.
Circulation and energy flows
Proper circulation in the broad sense (blood, lymph, and energy) is essential for maximized life span.
If there is any restriction of blood circulation (caused by anything from narrowing of the arteries to tension in the surrounding muscle tissue) several problems arise.
- Sufficient oxygen can no longer reach key areas of the body.
- Sufficient nutrients can no longer reach every cell in the body, thus starving them, weakening them, and making them vulnerable to mutation.
- The waste material produced by the cells can no longer be efficiently removed. The build-up of toxic waste in the cells eventually leads to cell mutation and death.
Your lymph is your body’s sewer system, removing dead cells, waste, toxic matter, heavy metals, bacteria, etc. from body tissue. Unfortunately, the lymph system has no pump of its own. If for any reason your lymph is stagnant, you end up poisoning yourself. This accelerates the ageing process and the onset of age-related diseases such as cancer.
Fundamentally, our bodies are pure energy systems. As you look more and more closely at the subatomic structure of all matter, the physical world begins to disappear. All that’s left is a series of force fields and probabilities that create the illusion of matter as we know it. Certainly, we have to deal with this illusion (the physical world) as we see it, but we also have to deal with the consequences of the world of energy that remains unseen—but is nevertheless the true reality behind all physical matter. The bottom line is that a major factor in the ageing process is when these energies in our body become unbalanced or diminished in any way.
Free Radicals
Scientists now know that free radicals play a major role in the ageing process as well as in the onset of cancer, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and possibly allergies and a host of other ailments. The link between free radicals and the “ageing diseases” is one of the most important discoveries since doctors learned that some illnesses are caused by germs. The use of a full-spectrum antioxidant supplement at a maintenance level may provide the ultimate defense against the premature ageing effects of free radicals. At therapeutic levels, antioxidants may actually play a significant role in reversing many of the effects of ageing and disease.
Exercise and Wear and Tear
No one likes to hear this, but it’s true. If you don’t move, you die. Exercise fundamentally changes every system and function in your body. And the older you get, the more important it is — and the more pronounced the benefits are.Understand, exercise includes weight bearing exercise, aerobic exercise, and the almost universally forgotten stretching exercise.The operative words when it comes to exercise are balance and common sense. If you overdo it, the benefits start to reverse, and you’re looking at long term disability from ligament and cartilage damage.
What You Think
Everyone loves to read about detoxes and supplements, What you think absolutely matters — not just mentally, but physically. Stress and depression are major ageing factors.
I don’t really have to talk about this, do I? Smoking not only shortens your life, it makes you look older in the process.
Check out these secrets to stay young:
1.Include Healthy Fats in Your Diet
Eating some fat is necessary for health, but it is important to choose the right kinds. Flaxseed oil is the best choice for dietary fat because it is high in Omega-3, an essential fatty acid that is essential for the building blocks of all cell structures including neurons in brain, smooth skin and healthy hair.
2.Focus on Antioxidants-
Vitamin C
Protects against: Wrinkles and dullness
“Oral and topical vitamin C has been shown in clinical studies to decrease oxidative stress in cells, which helps cells to grow normall.This helps cells regenerate and produce healthier skin, pumping the brakes on wrinkles and making your complexion more vibrant.
Protects against: Wrinkles and dullness
“Oral and topical vitamin C has been shown in clinical studies to decrease oxidative stress in cells, which helps cells to grow normall.This helps cells regenerate and produce healthier skin, pumping the brakes on wrinkles and making your complexion more vibrant.
Vitamin E
Protects against: Environmental skin damage and dullness
“Research shows that vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.” Both factors are important in skin regeneration and cell turnover, the process in which dead skin cells slough off and healthier, more radiant cells take their place. The vitamin also protects skin from wrinkle-forming UV radiation and environmental damage.
Protects against: Environmental skin damage and dullness
“Research shows that vitamin E has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.” Both factors are important in skin regeneration and cell turnover, the process in which dead skin cells slough off and healthier, more radiant cells take their place. The vitamin also protects skin from wrinkle-forming UV radiation and environmental damage.
Coenzyme Q10
Protects against: Wrinkles
Similar to vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that can help contribute to the overall health and appearance of your skin. “Like other antioxidants, it helps cells turn over and reduces cellular damage”.But it has also shown promise as a particularly effective youth-booster.
Protects against: Wrinkles
Similar to vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that can help contribute to the overall health and appearance of your skin. “Like other antioxidants, it helps cells turn over and reduces cellular damage”.But it has also shown promise as a particularly effective youth-booster.
3.Drink collagen powders daily:
NutriCheer anti-ageing is one of the product ,completely engineered for optimum health and beauty. It contains hydrolyzed marine collagen that provides skin its strength and elasticity.
Regular consumption of nutrient rich supplements with key ingredients listed above can help you turn the clock back and maintain yourself fit and young.
For More Information about Anti Ageing Supplement In India Contact us at (+91) 7777038883 or Email us at – /
Contact Details
Dr. Madhukar Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd,
C-158, Amar Gyan Industrial Estate,
Khopat, Thane, West- 400301, India.
Mobile: +91 7777038883
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