Why Calcium Supplements?
Calcium is the requisite nutrient for overall human health. Almost every cell of our body uses calcium in some or the other way .Some sites where our body uses calcium as an essential element is in our nervous system, muscles, heart and bones. Our bones store calcium in order to support our body and provide it in required areas when needed. Our body like to keep calcium in blood within certain narrow range and supply it to cells based on its requirement. This keeps cells healthy and performs activities necessary for life. We can get calcium from the food that we eat. Calcium rich foods like milk, cheese and other dairy products. But now a days , due to factors like food adulteration, improper cooking which strip them of essential nutrients ,getting sufficient amount of nutrients by relying only on food products and diet can increase the risk of nutrients related health problems . So,in this current life style ,Nutritional health supplements has become a key to fight ag...